Today, the expert services of Zaporizhzhia Chamber of Commerce and Industry are maximally aimed at helping enterprises in wartime conditions. After all, the regional business community needs additional tools for finding new sales markets and setting up production chains. In response to these requests, we launched the PRO_Business project – an online platform for Zaporizhzhia business. The initiative aims to provide entrepreneurs with a platform for international presentation, establishing direct business contacts with Ukrainian and foreign partners. It is implemented with the support of UNDP within the framework of the UN Program for Reconstruction and Peacebuilding and with the financial support of the EU.
The website presents information in Ukrainian and English on more than 600 companies from various industries: engineering, metallurgy, light, food, agro-industry, printing, chemical, services, consulting.
In order to spread information about Zaporizhzhia enterprises, we ask you to place the banner of the PRO_Business project on your Internet resources. We will be grateful for the information support!
Link to go:
Our contacts: tel. +38 050-484-11-97, e-mail: